Category: Double Glazing

Double Glazing And Triple Glazing

Those looking to upgrade their home might be considering either double glazing or triple glazing.

It is not just as simple as one option contains two panes of glass, whereas the other contains three. There are a number of additional factors to consider. You should think about cost, appearance, and energy efficiency. We also advise that you think about bringing in a FENSA certified installer.

Here at Thurston Waste, we’re helping you to make the best choice for your home!

Read more Double Glazing And Triple Glazing

White uPVC Window with golden handle

Double Glazing – Types Of Windows

There are plenty of options when it comes to picking new double glazing windows.

There are a load of different types of double glazing window to choose from, each having a set of pros and cons that come with it. This article is here to help you find out what the different types of double glazing are, and what to look out for when buying.

Read more Double Glazing – Types Of Windows

    broken glass window

    How to dispose of broken window glass

    Broken windows can be caused by a number of different external factors including accidents, age-related deterioration of window frames that put pressure on the glass itself, bad weather conditions such as hail and ice, as well as intruders.

    many people do not know how to correctly dispose of broken window glass, which
    could lead to themselves or someone else being injured. Window glass breaks
    differently to other types of glass and, therefore, should not be treated in
    the same way.

    Read more How to dispose of broken window glass